Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Announcements for September

Greetings in the name of out Lord Jesus Christ!
I am happy to announce that we have purchased the equipment for the provision of screens in the church sanctuary. What a blessing to continue to implement technology in furthering the gospel of our Lord! We are very excited to be a part of the "Healthy Church Initiative" program as well. Following are the different activities that we will be involved in for this month. 

-September 1- Communion & prayer for Birthdays & Anniversaries

-September 4- UMW meeting

-September 9- Special Sunday morning service commemorating 9/11

-September 16- A special "Celebrate You" Sunday morning service with a potluck lunch following the worship service. "Crystal River" singing group will be in concert at 2:00 pm after our lunch fellowship. A special love offering will be taken during the concert. Everyone is welcome!

-September 30- "Healthy Church Initiative" meets at FUMC Big Spring from 3:00 to 4:00 pm