Saturday, January 21, 2012

Announcements for January

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! Here are a few things that have happened or will take place this month.

- PPRC met January 1st at 2:00 pm.

- January 15th- We celebrated the dedication of a new Cross and Flame placed on the church grounds. One of our youth lead the project as the completion of his Eagle Scout project. It was a great service. If you pass by the church, you can't miss it!

- January 18th- Bucket List committee met at 6:00 pm.

-Youth Group meets each Wednesday at 7pm. All students in 6th-12th
grade are welcomed.

-Coat Closet outreach ministry
Coat donations are now being accepted. Any size from Elementary to High School new
or used. Dairy Queen will also be giving a treat for every coat that will be
donated towards this cause. Much needed coats have been placed on children and a few adults. We will continue to provide this ministry as a means to help those that are in need. If anyone would like to volunteer to lead coat closet ministry please speak to the pastor.

Wednesday Fellowship Meal & Bible Study- Teaching
series titled “Prayer, A Guide to Communion With God.” Speak with Amy for more
information. Starts at 6:30 pm.

United Methodist Men- Invitation for ministry. Please let the
pastor know if you are interested.

February 12th- Valentine’s Day meal prepared by
the men of the church.