Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Announcments for August

-August 1st: Bucket List meets at 6:30
-UMW will not meet this month
-Our Wednesday game and fellowship group will meet every other Wednesday for fellowship and bible study. We will meet the 17th & 31st at 6:30
-August 7th: Worship committee meets at 3:00 pm, PPR at 4:00 pm, and Finance committee meets at 5:00 pm
-August 13th: Church workday starting out with breakfast at 8:00 am
- August 14th: Celebrate "You" Sunday morning service to honor and appreciate the church members
- August 15th: Trustees meet at 6:30 pm
- August 16th: Ice Cream Social welcoming the teaching from Coahoma ISD.
- August 21st: Special time in church service to pray for children, youth, and school faculty returning to school
- August 22nd- Administrative Council meets at 6:30 pm